Packing List

These parts should all be included in your Stress FightPad kit!

Depending on the version you chose to buy, different components will be included.

barebones version

hssocketsKailh HotSwap sockets12
buttonshortTHT buttons (Different to the ones in the case version!!!)6
rubberfeetRubber Feet4

case version

The case assembly includes the 3D printed parts, magnets, heat inserts, and screws required for the case. Heat inserts have already been inserted into the 3D printed parts, and the magnets are securely held in place with superglue. There is no need for you to assemble the case yourself.

case3D printed case assembly1
hssocketsKailh HotSwap sockets12
buttonlongTHT buttons (Different to the ones in the barebones version!!!)6
rubbercapsrubber caps6